1. Navigate to https://your-website.com/wp-admin/
2. Hover over Media and click “Library” from the popup
3. Click on the image you want to edit
4. Click “Edit Image”
5. Here you can select various tools for editing
6. We are going to crop the image
7. Drag or apply ratio
8. When we are done with the cropping click “Apply Crop”
9. Click “Save Edits”
10. Click “Close dialog” and your changes will be applied
11. To rotate an image first select it by clicking on it
12. Click “Edit Image”
13. Click “Image Rotation”
14. Select the desired rotation
15. Click “Save Edits”
16. Close the window and your changes will be saved
17. To re-size the image first select it by clicking on it
18. Click “Edit Image”
19. Click “Scale”
20. Enter the desired dimensions
21. Confirm by clicking “Scale”
22. Close the window and your changes will be applied